Lefty's Cheesesteak

Toledo, OH

Key Construction completed a restaurant chain build out in Toledo, Ohio known as Lefty's Cheesesteak. In order to complete the project within the client's timeline of 5 weeks, Key Construction worked closely with the client to ensure that all construction was done efficiently and to code.

The entire construction process began with the initial demolition of existing walls and surfaces. This included removing existing drywall, flooring, and any other fixtures that were in place. After the demolition was complete, the construction team moved on to begin the framing of the space. This included installing new studs and joists for the walls, as well as any support beams needed for the ceiling.

After the framing was complete, the team moved on to the electrical and plumbing work. This included running wires for new light fixtures and outlets, as well as running new plumbing lines for sinks and other fixtures. Once this was complete, the team moved on to the drywall installation. This included hanging sheets of drywall and taping and mudding them for a finished look.

The next step was the installation of flooring, which included laying tiles or hardwood floors throughout the space. The team also installed any trim or baseboards around the walls and flooring. After this, they moved on to the painting of the walls, as well as any accent colors that were chosen by the client.

The final step in the construction process was the installation of kitchen and restaurant equipment. This included stoves, ovens, griddles, refrigerators, freezers, and other necessary items. The team also installed any custom cabinetry and countertops throughout the space.

By working closely with the client, Key Construction was able to complete the restaurant build out in Toledo, Ohio within the allotted time frame of 5 weeks.

Project details



Service Provided

General Contractor



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